Scientific activity

The scientific activity of the Department of History of Kazakhstan is carried out in accordance with the plan of research work of the faculty and the department and is carried out within the framework of both scientific projects and within the framework of the priority direction of the scientific activity of the department:

1 "Actual Problems of National History: New Approaches and Sources";

2. "The Great Steppe and the Eurasian space: complex historical research".

The results of scientific research of teaching staff and students are reflected in the preparation of monographs, publications in international, domestic scientific journals, in conference proceedings.


Scientific projects


Scientific projects

Theme, leader / performer

Years of implementation

Grant research projects funded by


- "Preservation of monuments of raw architecture of the sacred landscape of the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn depression using digital 3D technologies" - head Ph.D., associate professor Battalov K.K.

- "Daily life of women in Kazakhstan (1991–2021): historical digression, dynamics of change and prospects (on the material of the regions of Northern Kazakhstan)" - head of PhD Abdykulova G. Executor - Doctor of History. professor Musabalina G.T.

- "Culture of ancient riders in Shyngystau" - performers Ph.D., associate professor Sailaubaeva N.E., Kabyltaeva S.K., senior teachers Akpanbet N.N., Erdenbekova Zh.S., Zhylkybaev K.D., Orazaev S.B., Abdurazakov M.F., Nabiev S.

- “Mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 20-50s of the XX century. And rehabilitation processes: creation of a unified database”. Performer - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Musagalieva A.S.

Project 2020-2022.





Project 2022-2024.









 Project 2021-2023.






Project 2021-2023.

International scientific projects

- “Central Asia in International Relations of the 18th – 19th Centuries” project of the Russian Science Foundation. Executor - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kovalskaya S.I.

- “Natives of Kazakhstan in the partisan movement of Belarus during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1944)”, together with the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank, Minsk. Performer - d.h.s. professor Musabalina G.T.

Project 2019- 2021





Project 2021-2025


Contractual projects

- "Inventory of archaeological monuments of the East Kazakhstan region." Performer - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Sadykov T.S.

- "Certification of historical and cultural monuments of the Otrar region." Performer - candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Seitkazina K.O.

Project 2021





Project 2021




Scientific conferences

The Department of History of Kazakhstan is the organizer of the annual International Eurasian Scientific Forum.

XIX International Eurasian Forum "Lev Gumilyov and the Great Steppe: History and Modernity" was held on October 14, 2022 and was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the outstanding scientist Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov. Every year, the Eurasian Scientific Forum gathers both domestic and foreign scientists from the USA, Hungary, Turkey, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Russia and other countries 




Scientific seminars

In order to improve research skills, exchange views in the scientific field, and test scientific innovations, the department conducts scientific seminars. Leading foreign and domestic scientists are invited to its meetings, the results of scientific research of undergraduates and doctoral students are heard.



Topic of the scientific seminar, speaker


"Akhmet Baitursynuly - people's teacher".

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov Absadyk A.A.


«Түркі тілдес елдер арасындағы қарым-қатынастағы Қазақстанның рөлі»

Профессор Университета Едитепе Ахмед Ташагыл (Стамбул, Турция)

«Шығыс пен Батыс деректеріндегі қазақ хандығы шекарасының қалыптасуы»

Профессор Гарвардского университета Нурлан Кенжеахмет


«Қазақ даласындағы тіл мен билік: 18 ғасырдағы қазақ дипломатиялық хат алысуының лингвистикалық және тарихи зерттеулері»

Профессор Вашингтонского университета Талант Мауқанұлы



1. Кабылтаева С.К., Шабамбаева А., Даниярова А.Е., Садыков Т.С., Хасенова ЖО. Rehabilitation of victims of political repression in Kazakhstan: historical experience// Turismo: Estudos &Práticas, 2021, №1.


2. Ковальская С. И. Д.А. Аманжолова. Советский проект в Казахстане: власть и этничность. 1920—1930-е гг.// Российская история, 2021, №1


3. Кушенова Г.И., Auanasova А. , Nurpeisov Е., Auanassova К., Mukhlissov N. The History of the Alash Party in the Context of the Impact on the Processes of Constitutional Acts // Ancient Asia, 2021.


4. Ақпанбет Н.Н., Қартабева Е.Т. Беделова Г.С. Тоқтаған А.А. Политика-общественная деятельность института батыров Западной Сибири в составе Российской империи  (ХVIII-ХIХ в в.) // Былые годы, 2021, №16(4)


5. Батталов К.К., Кушенова Г.И., Садыков Т.С., Актайлак Б. The idea of independence and freedom in the activities of Hasan Oraltay. // Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 2021, Vol. 28, No. 3.




7. Кумеков Б.Е. The role of Uluses and Zhuzes in the formation of the ethnic territory of the Kazakh people // Astra Salvensis, 2021,


8. Мусагалиева А.С. Размещение и бытовое устройство спецпереселенцев Кубани в 1930-х гг. (на примере Карагандинской области) // История (РАН), 2021, №6


9. Жапекова Г.К., Байшев Б., Nur Ҫetin Historical and Geographical Information about the Exploration of the Caspian Sea in Cartographic Materials// Bylye Gody, 2022, 17(1)


10. Ковальская С. И., Любичанковский С.В. Формирование новых жизненных стратегий казахов-кочевников имперского фронтира XIX — начала ХХ вв. // История, 2022, №12


11.   Мусагалиева А.С. КарЛаг в судьбе ученого Александры Зайцевой //Science journal of Volgograd state university, 2022, №1


12.   Добровольский Л., Сыдыков Е.Б., Умиткалиев У.У., Каженова Г.Т. ПРОИСХОЖДЕНИЕ СКИФОВ СЕВЕРНОГО ПРИЧЕРНОМОРЬЯ: ПРОБЛЕМАТИКА, ГИПОТЕЗЫ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ // Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya, Том 1, Выпуск 39, Страницы 145 – 158, 2022


13.  Жуматай С. Волонтерство от культуры, или воспитание благотворительности через искусство у учащейся мусульманской молодежи в Российском Туркестане, рубеж XIX-XXвеков //Bylye Gody, 2022, 17(2), pp. 824–833

